November 4Th is right around the corner! A new president will be elected and I guess we'll see where it goes from there.
Right now it looks like Barrack Obama is going to be President, at least that's what it seems like to me. A person who doesn't really follow the debates and issues like a 'good' American should. But then, I don't really care.
I hear a lot of people (usually older people) saying I should vote and that I'd make a difference even though I'm one person. A woman at my work tells me I can't complain about what happens if I don't vote. I sort of think it's a silly comment because technically I can always complain about anything. Either way, whoever becomes president is useless to me anyways. I don't think anything is going to happen that will directly affect me. That sure is an ignorant thing to say, but whatever decisions happen in the White House won't really change my life all that radically. If something does happen I'm sure I'll get through it or die trying.
The harder people push politics on me and the harder they push me to vote, the more I don't want to be involved. I just feel there are so many people yelling at each other and arguing about their political views. I don't care that they're arguing and trying to get their opinion heard, but it's the fact that they're not changing any one's mind. They're not going to make a die-hard Republican into a Democrat and vice-versa. I guess they are yelling and screaming to try and sway independents and undecided people like myself towards their end, but I'd rather not have a part of it.
I'd also have to say it's due to radicals. I can't stand radicals. Obviously, I'm a radical about somethings and I'm sure I'm just as annoying. But people who love being a Republican so much that they can't even think about talking to someone who is a Democrat is so annoying. There are some people at work who can't talk to each other around this time because of the debates and stuff.
I feel it's like religion, well I guess any debate. I hate people who are overly religious and I hate people who are overly against it.
Well, I'm going to stop writing about things because I find I just repeat myself over and over in different ways.
The bottom line is:
I like being generally indifferent and neutral about whatever is happening.
Halloween is this Friday. So far I'm planning on going to walk with Doe, her father and sister going trick or treating. Doe has work Saturday morning as usually and it wouldn't be a good idea for her to be staying up and out too late I guess.
I'm sure most people will be going to Salem, MA. Have fun. I'm not really a fan I guess. I do like seeing people in costumes, but that's really only fun after an hour. It's generally cold and is that all there is to do? Walk around and look at costumes? Of course there's visiting the Salem stores and browsing but never actually buying.
I think having a Halloween party would be fun though. Food, music, costumes and maybe some mingling. Next year if the plans on moving to a cool house/apartment takes off, a Halloween party is something I'd like to pursue. I think it's because I've never been to one is my main motivation. I wouldn't know if the housemates would be for this event but I wouldn't know why they'd be against it.
I watched Office Bloopers (odd because I've never really watched The Office) and I really wish I was an actor sometimes because of bloopers. I unfortunately don't have the looks or charisma one usually needs though. I get too nervous. Also, I know people tell me I don't. But I can't get past this lisp I have when I hear my voice played back to me. But anyways, bloopers are always fun for me and no matter what show or movie I'll always watch them and laugh. Even High School Musical. Maybe.
Also, Doe and I got Netflix last night and thanks to Ryan we have month free! But so far I like the selection of movies and I'll be able to catch up on those 'trendy' shows I feel like I hear everyone talking a bout (The Office, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, Flight of the Concords, Curb Your Enthusiasm, maybe even Heroes). Recommendations are welcomed.
nothing good will come of this.
so i've deleted the stupid bullshit i started spewing and have decided not
to move in any direction but away from this for now. Maybe when i'm not
diving h...
15 years ago
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