Friday, October 17, 2008


I'm in a good mood so far today. I've been pretty productive at work and it's about my lunch break.

I'm pretty alert and awake, I say it's because I've been listening to Polysics and Hit the Lights and they just have me dancing or singing quietly at my desk. Which is possible because I have this office to myself at the moment. Hope no one walks in.

I've been drinking a lot of water again. It's more of something to do now. Like I finish a document and I take a sip of water, so it's always disappointing when I go to take a sip but my cup is empty. The problem with it being more of a habit then thirst is I find myself going to the bathroom easily twice every fifteen minutes. I fear Pam will think I have a UTI or diarrhea.

I don't know if anyone caught the Geekologie article:

A guy I knew of as Dustball when I used to lurk a lot started coming out with these literal music videos. They're pretty funny, personally I like the literal Take On Me better but I think it's just a better song too.

So if you watch the Head Over Heels video like I did you might notice that it's a terrible music video. I've never heard of the song before and I'm not surprised with how stupid the singer looks and how absurd the music video was. I feel like they were trying really hard. I'm not sure what they were trying to do, but they were trying to do it hard. I'm aware that A-HA's music video features a handsome man and a woman in a diner who have adventures in comic book, but it was a catchy song and a very unique video in my opinion!

This next subject may not be desired more so then other subjects I talk about. I think it's because I think and talk about it so much.

Continue Reading...
Street Fighter Babble
Damdai, the administrator and creator of 2DF recently added something he called a skill Growth chart. Every week there is a rating period and the site calculates your wins and your loses and then it calculates the current rating of your opponent. At least I assume this is how it works. For example, a guy who is rated 1200 beats me how is rated 1500, he gets a substantial rating boost because of how much lower he is rated. I'm sure you get it.

I think it's a really neat feature Damdai put in and it's pretty accurate. Everyone starts out with a rating of 1500 until they start playing. My rating is around 1555 right now which I suppose I would call average. I believe I am an average player and everyone who above average is well about me in rank and rating. Some of the best fighters are almost hitting 1900! CP is around 1700. He says a lot he shouldn't be ranked (probably rated) as well as he is, but Natty and I said he always says that and it's not true. He's good at Street Fighter and he uses Ken who apparently isn't top-tier, which I believe because of certain aspects that Ryu and Akuma have that Ken doesn't have. A lot of the tactics I've developed with Gen have probably spawned from watching/playing CP and him giving me useful advice. He says I should really get my anti-air down, which is very true because after my recent skill development I use it very rarely as a defensive measure and almost entirely as an offensive tool. After playing another Gen who caught me in it so many times I realized I need to start using it how CP advised. The reason I didn't is because my play style turned into a lot of pokes from Crane stance which as some may know doesn't have my AA move, and it's difficult to switch stances that quickly and execute the move in time. But I'm going to try to work on that and hopefully see my Skill Growth go up!

It's really terrible how much I think about Street Fighter and how serious I take it, but it's a gross amount of fun for me. I don't see how it's any different from other hobbies though that people would look down on me for loving it so much. I could go through so many hobbies that are stupid in my eyes, but I'm sure the people who do it love it. Also, my hobby is virtually free. The only costs are controllers I want to buy and the occasional frustration and rage I experience!

I should learn sportsmanship.

That's the end of that.


  1. Can boys....get UTI's.

    I feel like if so Anal sex would pretty much the only way to go about getting that.

  2. Yes, males can get UTI's.

    Low chance of males obviously. There are other ways besides sex to get a UTI for both women and men.

    Also, after reading, I don't have a UTI because of clean pee pee and no burning whatsoever.

  3. A UTI is when poop germs get in your pee whole :-)

    Sex is the only non-deliberate way I can think of that happening.

  4. Also...what is the original title of that song?

  5. Use google Lauren and see what a UTI is!

    It's a bladder infection and it's caused by bacteria of any kind multiplying in your urinary tract. A large amount of UTI's are cause by E. Coli, but it's not the only way it happens.

    Females can get it by just taking a bath, and males can get it from an enlarged prostate.

    I'm not a doctor, but google is right there to put any doubts to rest.

    The song is Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears
