This day will probably be one of those days where in the middle of work I'll randomly open up Notepad and blog about whatever I'm thinking about.
I'm sure my blogging is heavily influenced by the music I listen to. Last time I had a flurry of I believe I was listening to Ben Folds a bunch. Now it's The Management's (MGMT) songs "The Youth" and "Kids". Until I put them next to each other I didn't realize they had a common theme.
Either way, they're both really good songs in my opinion and they make me feel sort of nostalgic about nothing in particular and also maybe enlightened. But of course, I'm not sure what it feels like to be enlightened. I'd imagine it felt something like this? Who knows.
I feel very productive today too because there are clients that need help and I have tasks I need to get done. I am getting them done too so in between I find time to type a couple sentences about whatever is going through my mind.
I'm pretty excited to each lunch. Doe and I have been buying these cheap meals from Market Basket. They're a dollar a box and they're usually filled with vegetables. It makes me feel healthy I guess just eating vegetables. I think they're pretty high in sodium, but my mom said I'd live. I'd like to start eating better, and I think I have. Last week due to money shortage I primarily ate soup for lunch - well now that I recall, due to money shortage I also went to KFC a lot for cheap meals. Either way, for the most part I'm doing all right. I think I'll be trying to stick to water again. Last night I did have a dream where I was drinking Pepsi. I wasn't upset about it, but I remember drinking the last drops and hiding the bottle away from anyone who might see me drinking it.
Soda has a firm grasp around my mouth and mind. There's something about the carbonation and taste that I really enjoy. But I'm going to stop again. Not because I want to lose weight (it honestly didn't do anything for me) but because the stomach pains and constant throat gas (I can't burp) was really harsh and not worth the taste. I also know it's not the carbonation that gives me these issues because it happens when I drink fruit punch and iced tea as well. Pure water is the way to go.
I really want a new video camera/camcorder. One that will work on Vista. I've probably written this before, but that's the only thing stopping me from making more videos. I no longer care to use my old computer and because of this I can't get my laptop to recognize my outdated camera. Someday it'll happen though.
This just in:
A developer just walked into my office with Ginny the accountant. I forgot his name already, I want to say Peter. Either way, looks like a nice average guy who quite possibly experiments with drugs or some sort of substance abuse. I'm not saying he looks creepy or anything, but he had this look. Sort of wide-eyed and alert. He looks like a nice guy but when I went to shake his hand it was damp, soft and a bit cold. I'm sure he didn't think my hand was pleasant either, it being dry, callused, and a little warm. He also grabbed my hand in a sideways manner, in a way I couldn't fully apply my full gripping strength. He didn't grip very hard and I felt like he had the advantage in hand positioning anyways. It was a terrible hand shake and I hope he doesn't think I'm a homo for it, since I think he's sort of a homo about it.
I hope to god no coworkers ever read this.
I'm pretty curious to know who actually reads this, if anyone, outside of my circle of friends.
If you do, let it be known. Maybe it'll inspire me to write about things with relevance.
nothing good will come of this.
so i've deleted the stupid bullshit i started spewing and have decided not
to move in any direction but away from this for now. Maybe when i'm not
diving h...
15 years ago
Limp hands are the worst.