Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yadda Yadda

November 4Th is right around the corner! A new president will be elected and I guess we'll see where it goes from there.

Right now it looks like Barrack Obama is going to be President, at least that's what it seems like to me. A person who doesn't really follow the debates and issues like a 'good' American should. But then, I don't really care.

I hear a lot of people (usually older people) saying I should vote and that I'd make a difference even though I'm one person. A woman at my work tells me I can't complain about what happens if I don't vote. I sort of think it's a silly comment because technically I can always complain about anything. Either way, whoever becomes president is useless to me anyways. I don't think anything is going to happen that will directly affect me. That sure is an ignorant thing to say, but whatever decisions happen in the White House won't really change my life all that radically. If something does happen I'm sure I'll get through it or die trying.

The harder people push politics on me and the harder they push me to vote, the more I don't want to be involved. I just feel there are so many people yelling at each other and arguing about their political views. I don't care that they're arguing and trying to get their opinion heard, but it's the fact that they're not changing any one's mind. They're not going to make a die-hard Republican into a Democrat and vice-versa. I guess they are yelling and screaming to try and sway independents and undecided people like myself towards their end, but I'd rather not have a part of it.

I'd also have to say it's due to radicals. I can't stand radicals. Obviously, I'm a radical about somethings and I'm sure I'm just as annoying. But people who love being a Republican so much that they can't even think about talking to someone who is a Democrat is so annoying. There are some people at work who can't talk to each other around this time because of the debates and stuff.

I feel it's like religion, well I guess any debate. I hate people who are overly religious and I hate people who are overly against it.

Well, I'm going to stop writing about things because I find I just repeat myself over and over in different ways.
The bottom line is:
I like being generally indifferent and neutral about whatever is happening.

Halloween is this Friday. So far I'm planning on going to walk with Doe, her father and sister going trick or treating. Doe has work Saturday morning as usually and it wouldn't be a good idea for her to be staying up and out too late I guess.

I'm sure most people will be going to Salem, MA. Have fun. I'm not really a fan I guess. I do like seeing people in costumes, but that's really only fun after an hour. It's generally cold and is that all there is to do? Walk around and look at costumes? Of course there's visiting the Salem stores and browsing but never actually buying.

I think having a Halloween party would be fun though. Food, music, costumes and maybe some mingling. Next year if the plans on moving to a cool house/apartment takes off, a Halloween party is something I'd like to pursue. I think it's because I've never been to one is my main motivation. I wouldn't know if the housemates would be for this event but I wouldn't know why they'd be against it.

I watched Office Bloopers (odd because I've never really watched The Office) and I really wish I was an actor sometimes because of bloopers. I unfortunately don't have the looks or charisma one usually needs though. I get too nervous. Also, I know people tell me I don't. But I can't get past this lisp I have when I hear my voice played back to me. But anyways, bloopers are always fun for me and no matter what show or movie I'll always watch them and laugh. Even High School Musical. Maybe.

Also, Doe and I got Netflix last night and thanks to Ryan we have month free! But so far I like the selection of movies and I'll be able to catch up on those 'trendy' shows I feel like I hear everyone talking a bout (The Office, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, Flight of the Concords, Curb Your Enthusiasm, maybe even Heroes). Recommendations are welcomed.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Just reading Geekologie and I Watch Stuff and I see an article "Matthew Perry is 17... Again!" so I clicked it and watched the trailer.

Like they basically say in the article, age-changing movies are stupid. It's a bad premise and I feel like there's never a believable, good explanation as to where the 'grown up' or 'child' version of themselves have gone. I wonder what Matthew Perry's story will be. If you didn't watch the trailer, Matthew Perry is going through the normal stuff that happens right before you turn back into a kid. Marriage/Family life is going down the tube, thinking about how you would have done things different, half-heartedly saying you wish you could do it all over again, getting sucked into a swirling vortex that transforms you into a child, the usual stuff.

Oh, Big! Big was a good movie.

I like Matthew Perry and I don't care who knows it! I think he's funny. So I assume he'd have a bigger part in this shitty movie. You know who plays Young Matthew Perry? That faggot, Zac Efron, from High School Music.
  1. There's no way Matt Perry looked that good when he was kid.
  2. He looked more like this:
I don't know Zac Efron, I don't know the quality of his work. What I do know, is he's in a movie called High School Musical. That has to be bad. That has to be bad.

I watched Knocked Up with Doe a couple days ago. It might be because I was working and not really watching the movie, but I was not impressed. It might also be because of other factors that I'm sure many are aware of, but I laughed a couple of times but for the most part it was just a movie. I wouldn't say I hated it, but you know. I have no interest in seeing Forgetting Sarah Marshall for the same reasons. I did like Paul Rudd (He makes me want to see role models) and for some reason Jonah Hill is funny for some reason even though he seems like he'd be an a-hole in person. I think it's because he just talks about penises and other inappropriate things and it makes me laugh. The same way Natty laughs when I talk about dicks and other shit. We're so gay.

Speaking of gay, I got Fable II a couple nights ago and I'm having a blast. If you liked the first Fable, you'll definitely love this one. The game play is generally the same, some changes, the whole game is generally the same as the first but with upgrades.

More in Fable II
  • They have a more dynamic moral system (Good & Evil, Pure & Corrupt)

  • You get money from working as a job rather then doing quests like in the first game(Bartender, Blacksmith, Woodcutter, Assassin,Bounty Hunter and 'Civilian Displacement Agent' which means slave trader)

  • The world is Ten times the size of the world in Fable (so they say) and they have a saying "If you can see, you can explore it". For the most part this is true, but you can't expect everything
I'm still very not too deep into the game, but so far the decisions I chose to make have kept me neutral in terms of Good and Evil. I've helped out people I felt needed help and they were worthy in my eyes of deserving help, and I've killed people who I felt shouldn't have been doing what they were doing. Unintentionally, I'm neutral. I always like playing these kind of games like how I would react in real life to see how the game judges me.

In terms of corrupt and pure, I'm more pure then corrupt. I believe it's because I got married and I sleep in my home with my video game wife (I got married early in Fable II just like in RL!) and people in the city view that as good, who wouldn't. I own four homes and a various vendor stands. Three homes I rent out and the vendor stands all have their respective employee (each an individual identity), but I manage the prices. I could raise the rent or raise prices on either of these places but I would be seen as corrupt, lowering would make me seem more pure. That's not stopping me though, I just haven't felt the need to raise or lower prices yet. But I might raise prices because some stands make as little as 10 gold a sale, which others are making me 73. I'm going to have to fire someone. I don't know if it'd be firing them, or killing them.

Not only am I making money from rent and my vendor stands, I took work as a blacksmith! I realize my adventure seems really mundane compared to what else I could be doing, fighting mythical beasts, using magic powers (I have time control and lightning powers at the moment), exploring the land, but I am having fun trying to make money and buy out this city. I wish it was this easy to make money in real life. I also wish I had time control powers and lightning powers in real life.

Even when I'm not playing, every five minutes I'm collecting income from tenants. Not sure if it works the same for my stands.

Story/The World
I can't say much about the story because I haven't been through much of it. What I have been through has been just as interesting as the first game. I'm glad the game is co-op but I haven't played my game much with a friend and if you know me, you know how much I hate exploring areas alone especially when ghosts do exist in this game. Also, if you remember Demon Doors, they still scare the shit out of them when I'm just walking down a path and all of a sudden a face bursts out of a wall screaming some cryptic message about whatever it wants. Also, I don't look forward to fighting Balverines.

There's more for me to find out about the awesome adventure of a game and in time I'll write more about it.

I should also add, people who are particularly keen on video games, but love a good story and whatever would like this game too since it isn't hard to play. pressing X is your only melee attack, Y is your only long ranged attack and B is your only magic attack. So you'll be hitting one button in combat more often then not. It's still fun for some reason though, especially with cool slow motion death scenes sometimes.

So off of a friends myspace I heard this band Ratatat. I don't know if anyone has heard of them. I know I haven't and I find that a lot of times I find out about bands sort of late in the game. Anyways, these guys are sort of techno, hip-hop. Their songs vary a lot, but I really enjoy the synth. Their music reminds me of The Postal Service except there is rarely a singer. I'm liking it more because it doesn't have any vocals. When there are vocals it's usually someone different from the last time.

It's also incredibly soothing and something really good to listen to when doing work. When it's good for me. I imagine I'd like driving to it.

Thanks friend, for letting me hear this.

Some songs by them Brulee, Cherry and Lapland is where it's at.

When I think about moving out I think about getting a nice TV for our living room. Nothing like a movie screen, but a good size screen. I find a lot of them on Woot and they're really cheap. I think I saw a some LCD screen for 129.99. That's not bad to me.

Well I'm ending another media post.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

That's Money

10am at work. I'm terribly tired and listening to the FIGHTER'S DREAM playlist that everyone contributed to on Saturday night.

The past weekend was a lot of fun for me personally.
Starting on Friday
I got out of work around the time of 5:30. Doe and I went directly to The Basement I think where we found Ryan in some sort of terrible sleepy/awake limbo. When we got down there the lights and TV were on and Ryan was sort of diagonal postion (in between laying down and sitting but not really doing either) and he had a blanket over his bottom half.

When Doe and I made our way into the room, Ryan looked over with heavy eyes and gave us smile. I believe Doe and I gave him a pat on the head. Ryan let us know that Emily was on her way and I was surprised she was home and excited because I hadn't seen or talked to her in a while. CP woke up from his sleep in the movie room and hung out with Ryan, Doe and I but I could tell he was still sleepy. We probably waited probably half an hour until Emily came, but I think we left immediately to get some foods. Panera specifically. I was a texting fiend!

I was texting Lane, Jim and Lina about whatever. Well Lane and Jim I was trying to figure out where they were at so they could join us in this party, but I wasn't having any luck. And Lina is a small, asian girl friend of mine who works at the mall and Doe was interesting in buying boots. 'Sloucy boots' to be exact. I laughed when Lina said "we've got ugg and boots but not so slouchy". I think only I find that funny, I'm sure. Another text I found funny was from Jim later in the night when he said "Shut the fuck up. Everytime you talk i get embarrassed." But if I told that text to someone they'd laugh, but only because Jim said fuck.

Anyways, we got to Panera and it was awesome. I enjoy soup and a small sandwhich with red onions in it. We just ate and talked about whatever. CP had some notably funny comments in Panera. After we all ordered, Doe was telling CP we got a bowl of soup and half a sandwhich for however much it was and CP said he got a whole sandwhich and he wish he was getting what we were getting. Doe said he should have looked at the menu a bit more and CP exclaimed "How am I suppose to know, they're ain't no pictures!" But he said pictures like "pic-chas" I laughed because i was true and sometimes I feel like I'm not snobby enough to really eat at Panera.

I should also note Natty was with us and had only gotten 3 hours of sleep and he was very quiet and sleepy. He told me the next day he was trying not to be grumpy. He wasn't grumpy at all and I found it interesting he was trying not to be grumpy which is hard to do after so little sleep.

After Panera, we drove down mall road to the mall to just walk around and check out whatever. The parking wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be on a Friday night, also the mall rat count wasn't very high in my eyes. Maybe it's the mall cops on their stupid Segways but I doubt it.

Natty decided to stay in Ryan's car to sleep while we hung out at the mall. It was cold out so I wonder how he did with that.

We did mall shit, walking around looking at stores. Notably, I went to Journey's with Ryan and CP and visted Lina who was just standing in Journey's working as hard as a mall employee does. It reminded me of when I worked at Spencer's. I just stood at the entrance and said hello to assholes all day then occasionally did stupid work, like climbing ladders and putting stuff in stupid places. Anyways, I talked to her for a while and coincidentally ran into another friend I knew, Ashley. Not any Ashley any of my close friends would know of. But I met her through working at the mall. Aqaintences more than friends I guess. After the pleasant visit with Lina, Ryan, CP and I ran over to delia's where Emily and Doe were. The workers at Delia's greeted three guys with a bunch of sarcasm, as expected I guess, asking if we wanted to try something [inaudible]. I just told them I was looking for two girls, then asked if anyone of them was the girls I was looking for. I was met with awkward glances and maybe some giggles. I saw Emily and Doe in the corner trying on stuff. I got some change from Ryan to buy an Airhead (Delia's sells candy!) and CP was trying really hard to push Canadian change on me and Ryan. I felt dishonest doing it and Ryan almost did it but he didn't do it either.

Whatever, the mall sucks!

We went home, I dropped off Doe and got my PS3 controller. It was half an hour since Jim texted back asking where everyone was, he was kayaking with his mama. I think, I realized now how I could be wrong. Oh well. Either way, he was at the basement alone! But we got back to him and we all hung out doing whatever! Clark and Lane came shortly after and it was grand time. Just hanging, street fighter and doing whatever.

I'm having a hard time seperating Friday and Saturday night. I know Pat was with us as well as Mac, but I don't remember who was where when. Oh I think, Pat was with us Friday night because we went to ihop that night. Mac came Saturday night and we went to CVS.

Sunday Night I went to ihop with Doe, Lane and Jim and we all talked about moving out and I'm very exciting for this to happen. I wish it could be sooner to be honest.

I called in yesterday because the morning wasn't a good time for me. I worked from home.

Well I'm tired of writing and I'm sure you're tired of reading.

I personally wouldn't read this because of how stupidly written it is. It's all filler for nothing! Plus most of the people who do read this know what I did on what night HA!

Real quickly. This has to do with this client I have who is a moron and I can't believe how dense he is. He is a canadian and I've been working with him for two years and he still doesn't get anything we're doing.

Now I'm going to paste his e-mail to me, but I should have you know that I just sent him a report of activity that went through his site and I've been sending him this same report for two years.

He writes:
Thanks Tom

What does files uploaded mean? Everyone has 0 uploaded files.

What do proofs mean? Is a proof an actual completed flyer that might have been downloaded and used?

These questions seem pretty harmless, but only if you're new and not after it's the 100th time I've sent you the same report. I'm not sure why he decided he'd ask so late in the game. I responded with all the facts that he should know, but I was very annoyed.

uhhhh yah.

Also, Lauren posted about me rarely posting! I feel like I post too much. I post many times over the course of the week. I do not post on the weekend unless I have the 'time'.

If it wasn't for the terrible free time (shhh) at work I have I would probably never blog. When I would blog it would be about things a bit more intimate I would image.

Friday, October 17, 2008


I'm in a good mood so far today. I've been pretty productive at work and it's about my lunch break.

I'm pretty alert and awake, I say it's because I've been listening to Polysics and Hit the Lights and they just have me dancing or singing quietly at my desk. Which is possible because I have this office to myself at the moment. Hope no one walks in.

I've been drinking a lot of water again. It's more of something to do now. Like I finish a document and I take a sip of water, so it's always disappointing when I go to take a sip but my cup is empty. The problem with it being more of a habit then thirst is I find myself going to the bathroom easily twice every fifteen minutes. I fear Pam will think I have a UTI or diarrhea.

I don't know if anyone caught the Geekologie article:

A guy I knew of as Dustball when I used to lurk Newgrounds.com a lot started coming out with these literal music videos. They're pretty funny, personally I like the literal Take On Me better but I think it's just a better song too.

So if you watch the Head Over Heels video like I did you might notice that it's a terrible music video. I've never heard of the song before and I'm not surprised with how stupid the singer looks and how absurd the music video was. I feel like they were trying really hard. I'm not sure what they were trying to do, but they were trying to do it hard. I'm aware that A-HA's music video features a handsome man and a woman in a diner who have adventures in comic book, but it was a catchy song and a very unique video in my opinion!

This next subject may not be desired more so then other subjects I talk about. I think it's because I think and talk about it so much.

Continue Reading...
Street Fighter Babble
Damdai, the administrator and creator of 2DF recently added something he called a skill Growth chart. Every week there is a rating period and the site calculates your wins and your loses and then it calculates the current rating of your opponent. At least I assume this is how it works. For example, a guy who is rated 1200 beats me how is rated 1500, he gets a substantial rating boost because of how much lower he is rated. I'm sure you get it.

I think it's a really neat feature Damdai put in and it's pretty accurate. Everyone starts out with a rating of 1500 until they start playing. My rating is around 1555 right now which I suppose I would call average. I believe I am an average player and everyone who above average is well about me in rank and rating. Some of the best fighters are almost hitting 1900! CP is around 1700. He says a lot he shouldn't be ranked (probably rated) as well as he is, but Natty and I said he always says that and it's not true. He's good at Street Fighter and he uses Ken who apparently isn't top-tier, which I believe because of certain aspects that Ryu and Akuma have that Ken doesn't have. A lot of the tactics I've developed with Gen have probably spawned from watching/playing CP and him giving me useful advice. He says I should really get my anti-air down, which is very true because after my recent skill development I use it very rarely as a defensive measure and almost entirely as an offensive tool. After playing another Gen who caught me in it so many times I realized I need to start using it how CP advised. The reason I didn't is because my play style turned into a lot of pokes from Crane stance which as some may know doesn't have my AA move, and it's difficult to switch stances that quickly and execute the move in time. But I'm going to try to work on that and hopefully see my Skill Growth go up!

It's really terrible how much I think about Street Fighter and how serious I take it, but it's a gross amount of fun for me. I don't see how it's any different from other hobbies though that people would look down on me for loving it so much. I could go through so many hobbies that are stupid in my eyes, but I'm sure the people who do it love it. Also, my hobby is virtually free. The only costs are controllers I want to buy and the occasional frustration and rage I experience!

I should learn sportsmanship.

That's the end of that.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

MGMT, Religion/Mythology

Been listening to a lot of MGMT. I wonder when I'll grow tired of them like I know will happen, but I'm thoroughly enjoying them right now.
I was listening to the song that apparently made them famous over in the UK "Time To Pretend" which I think is also CP's favorite song by them. Anyways, I really liked the following lines a lot.

I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms.
I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world.
I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home.
Yeah I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.

This song, to me, touches on growing up and leaving the security of childhood. Also realizing this song too has something to do with children/youth. My interpretation of the song might be completely wrong, but I guess there might not be a wrong answer towards interpretation. Either way, if you read the rest of the lyrics there's other lyrics about living a fast life and basically being reckless and crazy. It made me imagine those guys from the 80's who had their leisure suits on with the sleeves rolled up and they just did drugs and had a bunch of sex with whoever. I felt like the song was saying they were pretending to be happy. But who knows.

The main bulk of this post was to be towards Religion and Mythology. It's not going to be about "Religion sucks" blah blah blah, but you'll find out.

To get started, like I mentioned before, I watched The Forbidden Kingdom with Jet Li and Jackie Chan in it and it was about The Monkey King and The Eight Immortals. I did a bit of research on The Monkey King and I found his history to be really interesting and awesome. Basically he was determined and ambitious. He wasn't born with immortality like most of the Gods but he gained it by "battling heaven and earth"

I believe he was initially 'evil' or perhaps just a rowdy ape with a terrible amount of power. There are stories of him causing trouble in the Heavenly Kingdom, where I believe the Gods lived. The Jade Emperor thought giving Wukong a title and job would help keep him in line but they gave him a shitty job (wiki says "head of the Heavenly Stables to watch over horses). Sun Wukong realized what they were doing so he rebelled and proclaimed himself "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven".

After Wukong did that and allied with demons on Earth the Jade Emperor appealed to Buddha, same Buddha who put Raijin and Fujin in their place? Buddha challenged Wukong in a bet...

"The Buddha made a bet with Wukong that he could not escape from his palm. Wukong, knowing that he could cover 108,000 li(54,000 km) in one leap, smugly agreed. He took a great leap and then flew to the end of the world in seconds. Nothing was visible except for five pillars, and Wukong surmised that he had reached the ends of Heaven. To prove his trail, he marked the pillars. Afterwards, he leaped back and landed in Buddha's palm. There, he was surprised to find that the five "pillars" he had found were in fact the five fingers of the Buddha's hand. When Wukong tried to escape, Buddha turned his hand into a mountain. Before Wukong could shrug it off, Buddha sealed him there using a strip of paper with the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum written thereon in gold letters, and Wukong remained imprisoned for five centuries."

He was later released from imprisonment because Guan Yin (a Taoist Immortal) was searching for disciples to protect a pilgrim who needed to travel to India to retreive Buddhist Sutras. This was the Journey to the West, which I believe Lane has in graphic novel form and I'd like to borrow it!

That took a lot longer to explain then I thought.

As a lot of you might know, I'm not religious. I don't know much about it. People who do, I have a question. Does Christianity have epic tales of hero's and demons? It's a legitimate question. The only real tales I know of are Noah's Arc, Jesus' crucifixion (of you want to include that), The Moses Adventures! (Leading slaves through the Red Sea and the Ten Commandments), all of these to me are not 'cool' or epic (that's what we say, right?). Maybe it's because the way I was raised and maybe I need war and violence for something to be awesome, but I feel like there are much better religion/mythology then Christianity in terms of stories, not religious ideals and whatnot. Also, have we classified Greek/Roman/Japanese/Chinese/etc. religion as mythology or has it always been mythology? Could I attempt to saying Christianity is simply mythology as well? I'm not sure what the requirements for mythology are.

I suppose I'm full of questions. Also, found some pretty cool pictures.

Well I found one cool picture. This second one is spooky!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Look Up and Follow The Stars!

This day will probably be one of those days where in the middle of work I'll randomly open up Notepad and blog about whatever I'm thinking about.

I'm sure my blogging is heavily influenced by the music I listen to. Last time I had a flurry of I believe I was listening to Ben Folds a bunch. Now it's The Management's (MGMT) songs "The Youth" and "Kids". Until I put them next to each other I didn't realize they had a common theme.

Either way, they're both really good songs in my opinion and they make me feel sort of nostalgic about nothing in particular and also maybe enlightened. But of course, I'm not sure what it feels like to be enlightened. I'd imagine it felt something like this? Who knows.

I feel very productive today too because there are clients that need help and I have tasks I need to get done. I am getting them done too so in between I find time to type a couple sentences about whatever is going through my mind.

I'm pretty excited to each lunch. Doe and I have been buying these cheap meals from Market Basket. They're a dollar a box and they're usually filled with vegetables. It makes me feel healthy I guess just eating vegetables. I think they're pretty high in sodium, but my mom said I'd live. I'd like to start eating better, and I think I have. Last week due to money shortage I primarily ate soup for lunch - well now that I recall, due to money shortage I also went to KFC a lot for cheap meals. Either way, for the most part I'm doing all right. I think I'll be trying to stick to water again. Last night I did have a dream where I was drinking Pepsi. I wasn't upset about it, but I remember drinking the last drops and hiding the bottle away from anyone who might see me drinking it.

Soda has a firm grasp around my mouth and mind. There's something about the carbonation and taste that I really enjoy. But I'm going to stop again. Not because I want to lose weight (it honestly didn't do anything for me) but because the stomach pains and constant throat gas (I can't burp) was really harsh and not worth the taste. I also know it's not the carbonation that gives me these issues because it happens when I drink fruit punch and iced tea as well. Pure water is the way to go.

I really want a new video camera/camcorder. One that will work on Vista. I've probably written this before, but that's the only thing stopping me from making more videos. I no longer care to use my old computer and because of this I can't get my laptop to recognize my outdated camera. Someday it'll happen though.

This just in:
A developer just walked into my office with Ginny the accountant. I forgot his name already, I want to say Peter. Either way, looks like a nice average guy who quite possibly experiments with drugs or some sort of substance abuse. I'm not saying he looks creepy or anything, but he had this look. Sort of wide-eyed and alert. He looks like a nice guy but when I went to shake his hand it was damp, soft and a bit cold. I'm sure he didn't think my hand was pleasant either, it being dry, callused, and a little warm. He also grabbed my hand in a sideways manner, in a way I couldn't fully apply my full gripping strength. He didn't grip very hard and I felt like he had the advantage in hand positioning anyways. It was a terrible hand shake and I hope he doesn't think I'm a homo for it, since I think he's sort of a homo about it.

I hope to god no coworkers ever read this.

I'm pretty curious to know who actually reads this, if anyone, outside of my circle of friends.

If you do, let it be known. Maybe it'll inspire me to write about things with relevance.

Mostly Media

Good morning.

It's Tuesday but I guess because of Columbus Day, it's kinda like Monday.

So the weekend was basically really eventful and I'm glad it happened. I look forward to visiting up there again in the future, especially if Doe were to come up. I felt bad that she couldn't and it might be hard getting her up there since she works on Saturdays. But that will work itself out.

So yesterday I went to Burlington with Ryan and Doe to a bookstore but it happens they are closed every Monday. I decided since we were in Burlington we'd check out the Spirit store across the mall. I didn't exactly know where it was but I remember someone said it was across the mall. Ryan helped out by saying maybe it's in the Tower Record building and that made sense to me. So we went there and it turns out the Tower Record building is some sort of make-up store. I drove out of the parking lot and proceeded to drive around the mall until I found out where the store was. But when we passed the Newbury Comics/Tower Record lot again we found the Spirit store was where this old sports store was a while back. I had to drive around in circles to get back to it.

After getting into the store I found everything was as over-priced and sort of lame as I remembered. Masks, costumes, wigs and whatever little gadgets you could find littered the ground like I remembered from working at Spencer's. I started to wonder if the people who worked here had to recover the store at the end of the night, but I feel like they didn't just because it didn't look like it. I wouldn't want to recover if it was just going to get destroyed again and it seemed like people managed just fine by digging through a pile of masks on the ground. I just walked around, sometimes with Doe, sometimes with Ryan and sometimes with both. I was looking for ideas for what I'd like to be for Halloween because I felt like doing something this year. I still don't think I will because I couldn't find anything worth the money and I didn't think of anything interesting. Ryan did find a hat that is typically worn by Asians. Rice hat? Asian Hat? Bamboo hat? It had no price on it, but I actually liked it a lot and decided to buy it. I wouldn't have bought it though if Doe didn't also want to pick up some eye lashes.

When I got up to the register I saw Melinda. A little Asian girl who I met one day when I was hanging out with my other two friends Steph and Lina. I met Melinda quite recently so I remembered her instantly. I probably would have remembered her anyways since she was pretty outrageous when we hung out. Running around, telling stories to Lina and Steph that I found pretty funny in both subject and her way of telling them. She was just pretty outgoing and I thought it was cool. She seemed a bit more reserved yesterday and I assume it was from being at work.

So when I went to pay for the hat, I said hi to her and joked to her and the two guys she worked with about the hat. There was no price tag so they had to search for the price. They had a price book and they had to find out what the hat was called. They asked Melinda and she said "Asian Hat?" they looked around and found it wasn't called that. I think it ended up being called a Chinese bamboo hat? Either way it was good encounter/laugh at the Spirit store.

Later Doe and I watched two movies.
We finished the Forbidden Kingdom because we fell asleep the night before and then we watched Penelope.

The Forbidden Kingdom follows some noob from South Boston who gets thrown back into History/Mythology after getting his hands onto the Monkey Kings Staff. I don't know how accurate the Mythology in the movie is, but I'm going to research it because I really like what the supposed lore was about. The Monkey King and the 8 Immortals. It sounds cool to me, but I'll find out what it's really about later.

Anyways, so this Kid Jason needs to get the Monkey King's staff back to the Monkey King to free him and then The Monkey King and defeat some evil Jade Warlord who took over after the Jade Emperor left to meditate for like 500 years.

I guess I won't spoil anything, but I guess I still might in telling you what I thought about it. But it wasn't a great movie so if I spoil it for you, you wouldn't be missing much.

Anyways, there was a plenty of wire-fu in this movie, which is sort of bad considering I used to like how Jackie Chan used to do all his own real stunts. But he is really old now, so I shouldn't be expecting him to be doing such things. The gimmick of the movie was the union of Jackie Chan and Jet Li, two huge kung-fu movie icons. They only fought once but I'll say their kung-fu is strong. In their fight there wasn't TOO much wire-fu, but maybe just the right amount. The kung-fu was cool in the movie, as cool as kung-fu is. But as always the story kind of sucked. But thinking back all kung-fu movies never really had great stories and you'd always watch them for the fights.

There were a lot of things bad with this movie. The main character was a white kid with no kung-fu but he learned some from Chan and Li throughout the movie with funny montages. I'm glad they didn't give this kid a terrible typical Boston accident because they probably would have made this movie unwatchable. Anyways, when the kid got to old china he obviously spoke English. At first, all the Chinese only spoke Chinese. But when Jackie Chan came along he spoke English along with every other Asian that the white kid came in contact with. At first I thought it was some magic power the kid got where he could understand Chinese, but it was in fact just them speaking in English. I thought it was stupid.

Penelope was a dramedy, more of a comedy but there was still the drama. It's about a girl who is cursed with a pig nose and pig ears (but the ears don't really come into play) and to be honest, Christina Richi didn't look half bad with a pig nose. It's a happy ending.

I've recently started listening to MGMT and Vampire Weekend. I'm sure it's a phase but it's a happy, nice feeling phase.

I'll be back again soon.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend Summary

This long weekend is over and it was a pretty eventful one.

Friday evening we left for Montreal, Canada to meet Lauren, Lane, Jim and CP. I am just realizing the majority of the readers know this so I'll cut out that bullshit.

It was a five hour drive and I was surprised CP did it as often as he did, especially alone. I tried thinking of things I would do for five hours on the road. I couldn't think of anything fun.

Anyways, when we got to the outskirts of Montreal I saw the city skyline all lit up in the night. It wasn't very impressive I guess. It just looked like Boston's to me. I can only imagine a skyline being impressive if it had something impressive. I guess that's the best way to put it. Montreal had no Eiffel Tower or Statue of Liberty (although I guess you wouldn't consider that a part of the skyline). It was just an ordinary city skyline with a bunch of buildings with their lights on.

When we arrived it was midnight I think. I wasn't very tired because I was pretty excited to be somewhere new. When we met up with everyone we went to get some food. We when to some street that was full of clubs and assholes who littered the streets. I call them assholes only because they were different then me and I don't really even know if they were assholes. I just didn't like the scene. Techno beats blaring out of various clubs, drunks stumbling from here to there and long lines of chain smoking trendy people. Short skirts and popped collars basically.

We ended up at this place that was basically fast food but maybe a little better because they were actually cooking things. They handled the food pretty harshly with ungloved hands, spilling food and shoveling back onto their intended plates. They spoke to me in french which obviously threw me off a little bit. The lines were long so the cashier didn't have much patience in asking me three times about something I still don't even know what he was talking about. I just guessed yes on the 3rd time. First I assumed he wanted to know what drink I wanted and second I asked him What?

After leaving there I had a stomach from probably eating too fast and drinking sprite. It was this night I remembered one of the reasons I stopped drinking soda. Soda usually makes my stomach feel terribly bloated! It also didn't help I had to simply take a dump. Oh well. I told myself soda is taking a break again for a while.

We walked around Montreal until maybe 3am when we decided to go back to Lauren's apartment. I think it was three. Stayed up with Jim and Ryan until five playing Street Fighter then I fell asleep.

Saturday everyone went out for another walk around the city. Visiting places I don't care to remember. Not that they were bad experiences, I just don't remember what they were called or care if I knew them or not. Anyways, we visited a lot of shops and walked a lot just looking and talking and having a good time. Although I don't remember many names I really liked the city.

I know everyone probably thought the same thing but many of the women there were beautiful! Compared to our city anyways.

I'm peacing for now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

More Mundane

Hey readers whoever you may be, I'm sitting here at 12:30 with two kittens/cats (They're both happily making the transition into adolescent cats but they're still small enough to be called kittens) sleeping in my lap with an old episode of the Venture Brothers running in the background. I haven't posted anything in a little while and I'd like to so here I am doing just that.

Good News!
My mother is talking to Doe and myself again. Just as randomly as she got mad at us she was talking to me like nothing had ever happened. It's sort of weird but I guess it's always how my mother operates. My mom and I don't hug or kiss each other on the cheeks like I see happen a lot in other families. I don't really mind but it's weird when I have to hug and kiss any in-laws. Not that I don't want to do that little transaction but it is a bit out of the norm for me. Either way, she's not upset anymore and that's never a bad thing.

I had to train someone in the generally useless program I specialize in at work. This guy was of Hispanic descent I think and he clearly didn't care what I was talking about and I assume he'll be fired soon after he gets back to Texas and his company realizes he paid no attention to any of the training he received from me and my coworkers. I felt comfortable training him though, I think it's because he didn't care as much as I did. Or maybe it's because I'm getting less awkward when it comes to speaking with strangers. I hope it's the less awkward option.

One of the major things I look forward to in the far future is moving out. Being able to live in a house without any restrictions other then my own seems so fun and new. I just wonder who will be involved and where we'll be. I'm sure it'll be fun and as ignorant as I'm being I can't see anything going wrong haha.

I know I don't have the voice or the annunciation skills, but being a voice actor would be sweet. I always have mini-fantasies of voice acting in something stupid. I'm not sure why. Personally I hear a lisp whenever I playback audio of myself. Everyone claims it's not there, but I hear it. I also mumble like it's my job. Often when I meet new people I have to repeat myself over and over. Only people who've known me for a while can really hear what I'm saying. When I talk to new people I also trail off into silence a lot about nothing in particular. Only some have called me out on it. Usually in a mocking manner but I don't kur. I'm not going anywhere with this.

I guess that's all I'm blabbering about tonight!

Canada this weekend.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Really Tired Baby

I just wanted to type I guess. I'm a really tired baby and I don't look forward to going to work tomorrow.

Things are still looking bleak at home and it sort of has me caught in this weird feeling. I can go out and having a good time with Doe and our friends but I guess I always coming back to what the situation is at home.

My mother is still ignoring me. She's actually responded to Doe a couple of times, but still not to me. This just shows that it is actually something I did. Doe narrowed it down to me 'huffing and puffing' about helping my mom remove the AC from the window last Sunday. This might be true because last time this happened it was because I gave my mother attitude when I was asked for electric bill money.

In my defense I usually reciprocate the emotions sent towards me. So last Sunday when my mom asked for help she was unpleasant to begin with. This put me in a bad mood because I felt like she was mad at me for not helping her without her asking even though I was in bed and told her to get me when she wanted to get the thing out of the window.

Last incident when I gave her attitude about money was probably because I was in a bad mood to begin with and I didn't want to think about money. I just don't like it when my mother needs to explain to me why she needs X amount of dollars. I just want to give her the money and be done with it.

I could easily be at fault. But no matter how wrong I could be it doesn't mean I should be ignored and treated like this.

I've been wishing for money lately.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Augh, Good Grief

I am concerned!

About my cats anyways.

Doe and I might be thinking of running away to her parents basement for the time being until Ryan, Lane and whoever else is in for moving out, can move out.

Like I've told some, my mother is still ignoring us for some reason. When we got home last night I heard her talking on the phone in her room. She sounded fine I suppose. I figured she was talking to my sister or maybe my white grand mother, I guess maybe even Duc. I didn't hear what she was saying as I walked by her room but she sounded normal. I knew she wasn't gossiping or complaining about Doe and I at least I don't think she was. She told me once that she can't complain to them because they don't seem to care. Again, I've said this to some already and I guess a lot of this might have been heard before, but for some reason she seems to treat me the worst. Of course, that's really bold to say that and a little dramatic. She puts up with a lot of crap from my brother and sister though and they don't ever seem to get her quite as mad as I make her.

My brother is constantly spending hundreds of dollars on his car putting a lot of his expenses on my mother credit card. He pays her back of course but she complains to me about how he's crazy and just spends too much money. But I guess he's making a lot of money now at his new job, I believe almost as much as my mother.

My sister can get really cold to my mother as well as really demanding, wether it be for rides, sometimes materials for whatever she's doing and my sister ignores her sometimes when she's preoccupied on the computer or watching tv. My sister also did less to help out. My sister never had to do dishes or had to vacuum around the house, my mother just never asked her. I might sound bitter towards this but I'm really not. It just goes back to my mom and how she for some reason expects so much from me in terms of chores. I just want to vacuum my room when it needs vacuuming or clean up my dishes when I use them. I don't want to take of a whole house when I'm only using 25% of it. I sound selfish and sort of lazy, but I pay for whatever my mother askes me to pay for. I give her 80% of basically every pay check.

I can get neglagant towards my mother as well sometimes. Usually when I'm playing a video game, which is no excuse. My mother is rather patient most of the time. But she can have radical mood swings.

Maybe she treats me the same as Stacey and Duc. I've been told I'm too sensitive many times and I'm sure I am, which is obviously a bad thing. My brother and sister and usually pretty passive when my mom gets mad I guess. They either ignore her or in my brother's case just gives her some back talk and she doesn't seem to do anything about it.

I almost forgot what started this post, my cats.

I feel bad for them. If say Doe and I do relocate to her parents house we'd get this room in her basement for ourselves. But our cats will have to stay in this one room because their are other cats who live in the house and one of them isn't very friendly when it comes to other cats. This room is a lot larger then the bathroom Noa and Konrad had to be kept in, but I still like letting my cats roam. Especially Bradley who I feel likes his time alone away from the other two.

Also, as much as my mother can be a bitch, I don't want her to be completely alone and I would like to leave Bradley at home because my mom loves him. But I hate thinking about Bradley not having two little buddies to hang out with. I don't want any of my cats to be separated but to not be an asshole I think I'll have to, but then I think I'm being an asshole to Bradley. This is my crazy cat lady speaking I believe too. Since any 'normal' person wouldn't be nearly as concerned with a cats feelings as I am. Not even Doe is as concerned about them as I am. Which isn't saying she doesn't care about them, I just care about them too much. I'm not sure why. Either way, it's going to be rough with whatever happens. It looks like I might have to leave Bradley with her because thinking of my mom on her couch watching tv on a saturday afternoon with absolutely no one in the entire house makes me feel really bad.