So to start off this regular Monday morning, I want a tattoo.
Yes, it's heavily because Lane got a tattoo but not because he got a tattoo. It's because his tattoo was so ideal as to what I want and because we'd talked about getting these Japanese demons for about two years. But the artist he found was truly a master of his work. Not his tattoo artist but the Japanese artist Horiyoshi III and I'm sure I'll be looking to him for some inspiration. As I've mentioned in my other post about wanting a tattoo, I said I wanted to draw it myself. Well, after some fiddling around and just sort of trying to emulate the old masters, I found I couldn't. Which is fine with me. I'm not an illustrator. I used to want to be, but don't really care for it. So basically I'm going to do what everyone else does and get someone else to do it for me. I'd rather have a sweet looking tattoo that someone else drew out for me instead of a shitty looking tattoo that looks like a three year old threw up. But I'm still looking into it.
I feel like there's been a lot of bumdogging going around lately. Which is fine. I wish I could do something about it, but I feel like I always wish I could do something. Either way, there's a lot of times I don't know why people are in bad moods or what I can do to help. I don't ask them though. When I'm in a bad mood in public I prefer to keep to myself and don't really want anyone to ask me why I'm in a bad mood. So I assume everyone wants the same. This doesn't mean I don't want to know whats wrong, I'm just not coming to get the information. Which might make me sound like a bad friend. Well this thought is over.
I recently heard from one of our friends that they hate the blogging that has started amongst the friends. I'm not sure how truthful this statement really is but I don't see any validation to it if it is true. I didn't think this is some fad like we play WoW or any other fads that appear in the basement. Sure blogging will die as it has died before, but I don't blog so I can talk to Lane, Jim, CP, Ryan, and Dan about what we blogged about the night before. I like to blog because like I said to CP, a blog is candid reasoning and sincere thoughts. For the most part. I just like rambling about nothing to no one because it's not something I do with anyone. Ah well, it doesn't really matter though!
I recently downloaded this program by my Bosses request. It's a program called Jing. Basically it's a program that allows you to capture a certain part of your computer screen and either take a screen shot of it and instantly write an explanation or take a video screen capture and actively record voice instructions (if you have a mic on hand). I think it's really cool and as funny as it may sound look forward to using it for random people on www.2dfighter.com or randoms on the Internet who have no idea what they're doing and need help with something that text doesn't explain well enough. It's a weird thing to be excited for, but what isn't.
So I guess I'm just writing here and there because after writing a series of random thoughts I don't feel like posting what I have because I don't think it's finished. I also like the idea of just writing randomly throughout the day. It's 12:46 like I said and I'm no where near hungry. I think it's because of the big breakfast I treated myself to that was really cheap. I wasn't planning on getting breakfast but as I entered work the kid, Cory, who goes and gets the food in the morning asked if I wanted anything. It didn't take much convincing for me to say "Get me whatever you are getting."
I read Ryan's blog yesterday morning! BOY was that a bumdog fest. I was going to leave something like "It's alright" or something like that, but 1. It never sounds sincere even if it is, and 2. he specifically noted that he doesn't not want anyone to try and comfort him about anything. But more importantly he wrote about being a hobbit and how his mama didn't think he'd do so well without technology. He believes he'd be fine without it which would probably be true. I thought if I'd be fine without it. And I too believe I would be. Sure, I love the Internet and all of it's information and I love street fighter and whatever video games I like to play at the time but everyone I know could survive without technology. I use it because it's available. If we were to move out into the middle of the forest with no intentions of coming back to a civilized world I'd sure miss the luxuries of the Internet, my laptop, phone whatever else i like to use. But I'd be perfectly content with the people and my cats! But, I guess we won't know for sure if I could really 'survive' until it actually happens.
I believe a good amount of people who read my blog also follow Geekologie. Even if you don't, they had this article about some site saying text messaging lowers a person's IQ by 10. I didn't actually read the FULL article because I didn't think it was worth my time. Geekologie pulled out this highlight which is all I think you need.
"The act of texting automatically removes 10 I.Q. points. "The truth of the matter is there are hobbies that are incompatible. You don't want to do mushroom-hunting and bird-watching at the same time, and it is the same with texting and other activities. We have all seen people walk into parking meters or walk into traffic and seem startled by oncoming cars."
Now the people this article are referring to are morons. I text with a number of activities all the time. If you don't have the brain power text and roam your streets safely then you should realize you're a retard. As unsafe as it is, I'll text while driving. I've been doing it for years and it's only unsafe if I decide to dedicate more time to texting them driving. I'm not retarded so I would never do that. This article is like saying video games and television make kids bring guns into schools and kill people. Kids bring guns into schools and kill people because they're parents leave guns around the house and they are murderers. Basically, multi-tasking is easy. I wouldn't recommend texting while driving or while doing anything because sometimes I think I look rude.
Well this day has been flying by in my opinion. I'm wondering how Doe is doing right now. At noon she went to basically try out at the Salon she applied at. I'm sure she's going to get the job, I'm just worried about conflicting schedules since it seems like she might be getting part-time hours. Hours I predict are like 3-7 and I'll have to look for a ride. But I guess she'll at least have some income.
I've been thinking seriously about A. Going back to school (night classes) B. Getting a second job (just to make more money) and C. Moving out of my house.
A. Really no reason then making more money at my current job. Also, I'm so tired of my relatives telling me I should go back to school. I appreciate the push, but I heard you the first 100 times. I'm just not feeling school. Which is worrying me because maybe I'll never feel school and never go back. But what if I work my way up here and I just never need to go to college? Would there be an issue? But then like I've said before I don't want to work here forever. Night Classes wouldn't kill me.
B. I don't have to at all. It's really just a fantasy but not the good kind of fantasy. Just really wondering I guess. I could work some shitty retail job at the mall from 5-9 and make a little of a hundred a week. The only way I'd really consider doing this is if lets say Luis Alverado, Lane, Mandy all worked at Spencer's again. I'd be down for that. It was a breeze and wasn't much like working at all. I think I'd be going to Night Classes before I get a new job.
C. Moving out. It's change. Not much more to it.
I'm smelling some serious shit in the trash here at work. It smells like rotting banana's but I can't find it anywhere. Also, I need to piss but someone is in the bathroom I prefer. It's not well known, but I can't shit anywhere but my own bathroom at home.
I'm going to turn this post in like a late paper.
Thanks for reading whatever I thought.
nothing good will come of this.
so i've deleted the stupid bullshit i started spewing and have decided not
to move in any direction but away from this for now. Maybe when i'm not
diving h...
15 years ago
I laughed out loud at "Well this thought is over."
ReplyDeleteI think the texting thing is taken out of context from whatever site Geekologie took it from. Really, it should be like "It takes 10 IQ points to text." You could be taking an IQ test and texting at the same time, and only get ten points worse.
Yea, after reading their other post about it being stupid people day, i wanted to mention it and somehow downplay my anger and harsh feelings, but i was hoping no one would question it haha.