Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Couple Things in the Head:

The past few days has been good.

On to more important things!

In the last couple of days, I've sort of hated things as they appeared to me. First thing that comes to mind is hunting. This thought came to me as I was up late one night and a deer hunting show was on some odd channel and it featured a white man with a rifle and a half-Asian elderly man. They were both skulking around trees and bushes stalking two bucks that were just minding their own business in the woods. The Asian man told the impatient and eager white man to wait since he was sure they could find better, more impressive bucks further in the wilderness. The first part to annoy me was when the white man happily whispered "This is SO good." That for some reason bothered me. To try and explain it would probably be to say that his eagerness to kill animals was sort of bothersome. I'll leave that like that, since I guess it might be the closest I can get to explaining it. But it does not explain it.
Going on, after jumping channels a couple of times I came back to find the two hunters in some brush looking towards an open field with bucks and does grazing. Skipping their chatter, the white man took aim and shot one shot into a large bucks chest. Cut to the hunters on the dead buck: the men were now feeling up the bucks antlers and basically having an orgasm over their victory. It was ridiculous. As many will agree, hunting is fine if you need to eat or wear some pelts for warmth. Hunting is a faggot-pussy sport for faggots who want dead animal heads to fap to in the middle of the night. That's another thing, when the white guy was checking the antlers out, he was stroking his hands sensually up and down the antlers just muttering how beautiful it was.
Hunting is stupid and same goes for anyone who enjoys killing defenseless animals who wouldn't go near you if you were covered in delicious deer-exclusive herbs. If you're going to hunt, do it with a spear and hunt an animal worth hunting like a bear or cougar.

This next one could insult peepz i know, but I doubt it.

People who pronouce the word huge like uge. Is uge the proper way to say it? It's usually old people who say uge. When I was growing up I was never informed the h in huge was a silent h. Don't get me wrong, I pronouce my fair share of words wrong. But they're usually odd words. Like years ago I said cam-bridge and not came-bridge. How was I suppose to know? I just feel common words like huge, which is as common as words can get, should be pronouced in the uniform way that people are taught.
This annoyance is so small and so stupid that I don't think it was worth mentioning.

My kittens have been granted the privilage of being able to roam my house freely. I couldn't be happier. The boys, Konrad and Bradley seem to love each other. Konrad follows Bradley around like Bradley's his big brother and I guess Bradley just does whatever he wants ha. Noa likes to keep to herself unfortunately. She seems to only like me, which I guess I don't mind. I remember picking her when we went to check out the kittens. I wonder if she knows I picked her which is why she likes me. Who knows. Either way, it's a very pleasant thing to wake up in the morning and to have kittens curled up along your body looking for some warmth.

Kittens are cool. Cats are cool. I'm a crazy cat lady.


Oh, side note: Street Fighter is cool.


  1. I'm a big supporter of the "hunt a predator with your bare hands or maybe just a big knife" school of thinking. I'd love to see a fat fucking hunter just get completely mauled by the animal he hunts, because he's physically unfit and has grown soft in the shadow of technology. Not that I'm not soft or anything. But I'm not going out and shooting animals.

    This is more interesting than reading about the internet and what it's about, fer sure.

  2. on dictionary.com huge is cited as being pronounced "hyooj or, often, yooj". don't know how legit that is :]. i prefer the h to get some credit also. thats really excellent about your cats. zoe is much like noa in that she seems to be most affectionate with me. i also chose her over pancake, a rough decision. i'm going to come see them again!

    ps gen stinkz

  3. Jim, I was going to check out the definition and pronunciation of huge to further my knowledge in the word and how it was pronounced, but my annoyance for some guy on MSNBC saying it was too great! After your comment though I wish I did.

    And Lane, Lane got a blog! woopwoop. Can't wait to see what my good friend Lane writes all about.

  4. thats like how we don't pronounce the h in fhruit
