Current Events Rants
Joyce McKinney a 58 year old, dog-cloning, burglary planning, fugitive from Nashville, Tennessee.
So I guess this woman cloned her beloved dog five times, creating five pups. Before that in 2004, she instructed a 15-year-old to break into some home because she wanted money to "get a false leg for her beloved horse". I don't know if that last one is stated correctly. Either way, I feel sort of bad for this woman I guess. I imagine she missed her dog so much she had it cloned five times. I never really knew what pet owners went through when their animals went lost or died. For instance, when Lane's cat went missing (the black one, not the white one) in high school. I remember him telling me that his cat was just never came home, I remember I was a little bit concerned for the well being of the cat but I guess I did feel sort of detached and I really think about it much. Same goes for when Ryan's cat Patches died. I knew patches well and I liked her a lot because she liked me, and according to Ryan she wasn't too friendly to most people at least when I first met her. But when Patches died, I sadly didn't think to much about it again. I feel bad I made some really insensitive jokes about her death, jokes I'd probably get mad or upset about if it were my cats. Which shows what kind of person Ryan is actually, since he didn't really outwardly get mad or sad about it towards me. A good kind of person is what I'm trying to get at. But now owning three cats of my own and after losing Bradley, the oldest cat, for a month to some other home I was insanely depressed and all I thought about was Bradley being gone. As stupid as it is I get a little work up about it even now thinking about it. Either way we did get him back. The point being, I can't better to relate to someone losing a pet better then I could a year ago and because of that I feel bad for this insane woman who missed her dog so much she wanted to bring him back in the form of five puppies. In my opinion, I wouldn't want to have Bradley's clone. They wouldn't be Bradley I feel. They'd basically just be his kids.
Big Foot Hoax
Two Georgian men apparently discovered the bloodied remains of Bigfoot in the woods this past weekend. Obviously, at this point in time they have discovered it to be a hoax. What a terrible hoax at that. It's completely ignorant for news stations to be running this through their top stories based off of a couple pictures that two rednecks sent them. The pictures are very low quality as if they were taken on a cell phone which makes them hard to believe. Why wouldn't anyone ask "Hey, if you have the corpse on hand why not take the time to find a decent camera and take decent pictures of this animal." But there is something about this subject that people go crazy over so obviously no one of importance asked this question and just let Bigfoot mania run through our media and get everyone worked up about it. Either way, the two guys who claimed to have found the Bigfoot corpse came out with a video where they laugh at people who believed them and they are weirdly arrogant about the whole situation. Going into conspiracy theories, I believe if their Bigfoot findings were real, the Government took action to conceal Bigfoot's existence and made the rednecks admit that their claims were just a 'hoax'. We'll never know!
Russia vs Georgia
I saw a headline in an article that Russia is beginning their withdrawal from Georgia today. I read that headline on Saturday, apparently 'officials' in Georgia don't see any sign of Russian pulling any of their forces back. I'm not sure what the conflict is specifically. I've heard and read a little about it being about separatist of Russia and Russia does not want to let them leave. So I suppose killing them would be the alternative. It seems like its debatable who is the victim in this situation. I've read that Georgia murdered Russian peace keepers which is why Russia moved in in the first place. It's hard to tell what is going to come of this little war. The US hasn't chosen and sides, but I guess Georgia is the 3rd largest contributing military force in Iraq and Afghanistan behind the US and Britain. If their war with Russia continues they'll withdraw all their forces from our silly conflict as well. It seems inevitable Georgia is going to be obliterated, that or it's a possible World War III. If we side with Russia Georgia loses and I feel like there may be some chaos in the Middle East. If we side with Georgia, well there's the Russian army and all their military secrets to deal with.
I guess that's my two cents. I feel I had more to say, but I can always post again.
I liked this:
nothing good will come of this.
so i've deleted the stupid bullshit i started spewing and have decided not
to move in any direction but away from this for now. Maybe when i'm not
diving h...
15 years ago
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