Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Politics, People, Whatever!

Hey, I know the election was last Tuesday and most of the hype is over a week later, but I guess I'd still like to get my ranting about it over with.

Barrack Obama is a black man and he is now our president. I've heard a lot of people disappointed about it and I've heard a lot of people happy about it. If you asked me what I thought I'd say I don't care. A lot of people asked if I voted and also gave me a disappointed toned 'Tom!'. But I brushed it off.

I figure I should care about the direction my country is going in, but there were a lot of things turning me off about voting. To start, I have no real way of trusting any information I get about either candidate. I can't watch television because it's either conservative or it's either liberal. I can't talk to anyone about it because they are also either one or the other. In terms of talking to a person, it's fine about whatever they think. They can be the most righteous whatever they want to be, I won't stop them or make judge them. But for some reason I can't fully devote myself towards one side of most things. I think it's usually based on ignorance on my part. But I don't think I could rightfully support one candidate or the other because I don't know these two people. They're just talking heads who I'll never meet, never really know and I'll never soundly make a decision about which is the better candidate. But I guess it's like my high school math teacher said to my class "You're voting for the lesser evil." but that was said in 2004 when it was Bush v Kerry and I don't really think the majority liked either.

I also can't help but feel that politics and voting has become some sort of terrible trend. I'm looking around at Facebook or Myspace and I just see status updates and bulletins stating "Just got back from voting :) Go [[Candidate]]!", "[[Political Party]] [[Insult]]".

Now, I don't know if voting has always been this trendy with people my age but the difference is there hasn't been a places like Myspace or Facebook for them to show off their trendy-ness, but thinking back to 2004, I didn't think it was this popular amongst people 18-21. Maybe it's a good thing, maybe it isn't, I don't really know. What I do know is you have ignorant young adults voting for this guy to be president and I can guarentee they don't know anything about him/her. These people are just looking for something new to be a part of. But I'm being pretty dramatic about, obviously.

Being a part of something isn't a bad thing. That's not what I'm saying. Who doesn't like being part of a group that share the same views as you and you can feel like you're really a part of thing! Anyways, I guess for stupid reasons I'm annoyed at people saying "Go Obama" or "Go McCain". What really is annoying though is the slander or gloating. One kid (not sure why he's my 'friend' on facebook) said in all caps, but I'll spare you that "Yea go obama it's awesome being on the winning team, go Obama/Biden" and later he said "Annoy a conservative, think for yourself". Correct me if I'm wrong (and I very well could be because my knowledge of politics is very weak) but aren't conservatives the ones who believe in personal responsiblity? I really don't know and I could just search it in google and maybe I will, but I'll let someone else correct me.

I think I misjudged Bernie Mac. In the morning the Bernie Mac show is on and where I did hate him before (hate being an exaggeration) and I really didn't care for his show or his humor I found that I actually find his show pretty entertaining. Sometimes I laugh! I still don't think I appreciate his stand up, I don't actually think I like many black humored stand up. It's all too black for me. Not being racist, but if you've heard one black comedian I feel like you've heard them all. Sorry, young, Eddie Murphy. RIP Bernie Mac I apologize for not caring about you dying.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming around the corner and they're coming fast. Call me lame, but I pretty sure I'm too lazy to do anything anymore. Well that's not true, I'll still do holiday themed parties/get togethers. I guess I'm too lazy to do anything with family. I don't like feeling like I have to act a certain way and I certainly don't enjoy eating at a table formally. Oh well!

Brian Babino started a joint blog (like the Fighter's Dream! except not about Street Fighter) with an Evan. Evan? Apparently, Evan is was a junior when we were sophmores in high school. I don't remember many of the sophmores. Whatever, the url has his name in it. http://ata.evanscandalous.org Their posts can't be more pointless than my own. They could be.
I'm feel very tired.

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