I haven't been posting as frequently as I used to or would like to. I still like blogging but I find that my free time is wasted doing other things. Mainly other more unproductive activities.
The end of the holidays are upon us! Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is again around the corner. The pressures of gift giving is forced on me. I don't mind gift giving, it's that I'm awful at getting gifts. Maybe it's because I'm unobservant to want a particular person would enjoy as a gift. My Mother, Doe, Stacey, I have no idea what they'd want.
My Mother always says not to get her anything. I say this to her and we usually don't exchange gifts and I'm fine with this. But she often does something to make it a Christmas gift. She's a hard lady to shop for too because she's so picky about things. If it's not practical than its just taking up space and she'll most likely return it. So if I do get her a gift, I'd like it to be something she uses. Maybe warm clothing?
Doe says I don't need to get her anything but who doesn't say this? The thing is if I was walking through a store I might see something Doe would want. But only if I'm not looking for it, if that makes sense. Basically, I blank when I try to think of things that Doe would want.
It seems like I'm just trying to convince you people that I'm a terrible person/husband.
I still have to think of gifts to give to other people, like Doe's parents, friends? It's too expensive and I think gifts should be given spontaneously! Everyone is forced to buy things for other people because of Christmas. That said, the gifts don't mean as much, do they? If it were spontaneous, I would know I was being thought of.
Maybe I'm unappreciative of gifts comes from when I was young and my parents would tell me to make Christmas list and they said there were only going to get the first thing on the list. Also, I'm not sure if they told me to do this or I felt guilty about it, but I would never ask for anything over $50 dollars. I always wanted video game consoles and stuff like that but I'm pretty sure my parents would do that. Either way, as the Christmas' past with this gifting code, I soon lost interest and I didn't want to make my parents buy me a gift when it seemed so bothersome. So, one year I didn't ask for anything. I even remember making an empty list and putting in my stocking for my parents. When I went down that Christmas morning I found Stacey and Duc unwrapping gifts and things I felt left out I guess. Of course, I did it to myself, but I was still young (I think I was nine or ten?) and still selfish in that way where if someone has something I want something. I remember my parents still got me this odd gift though. It was a guitar. But not like a real guitar, one of those guitars with a bunch of keys on it and you just press them and they make noises. I think this made matter worse. I think I would have been better off with no gift, instead of this gift my parents got to probably make themselves feel better. But then I might be overlooking the "they were thinking about me" aspect and the "me being ungrateful" aspect. Either way, I felt sad about not getting a gift.
The next year though was the same thing from me, but I guess I cared less! So as the years went on Christmas just became another day.
But now as I'm older I do feel obligated to give gifts to people. Seeing as I have the means to. I know it should be out of the good of my heart, but I still feel like it's a task. I do like giving gifts and having people admire my gift! But they won't admire a gift that's shitty. I also don't like fake enthusiam. But maybe it's not fake? Maybe I'm one of those people who gives gifts and says right after "You don't like it do you? We can return it."
April Accident
So! I was in a car accident April 1st this past year. Blah blah blah, it's December and I'm still trying to get shit settled!
Well, it should be all settled now. I've been recieving collection agency notices since October and I've had to call my insurance agent, Lahey Clinic and my health insurance. Talk about annoying. And if you know me, I'm not so good on public speaking. So my conversations with these people are mumbles and a lot of 'Uh, oh!'.
Well, my car insurance agent told me a couple days ago that I shouldn't worry anymore and that she got everything settled. She said I shouldn't have to pay anything and I surely should be dealing with any of this 8 months since the accident.
General Life
Work has been 'good'. Depending how you like your work. I like my work to be semi-busy. Busy enough to make the day fly, but not so busy that I'm stressing over deadlines. Recently it's been the good kind of busy. Where I have shit to do everyday and I do it, and it's done.
We moved into a larger, more professional building. I like it a lot. It makes me feel professional. I just wish I was getting more money now. I'd like to live more comfortably, instead of living paycheck to paycheck!
I started putting money into my 401k too! So I actually am saving money. Doe seems to be doing fine, she always seems to have money to spend. In turn, I always have money to spend. It's unfortunately spent on food. I don't know why myself and others can't just not go out to eat. But there aren't many options.
I believe that our eating habits will change once we get into a house where we all live together. I won't fantisize about it here as I feel like I fantasize about it too much already!
Well, I guess I'm done for now, hopefully things are posted more frequently.
nothing good will come of this.
so i've deleted the stupid bullshit i started spewing and have decided not
to move in any direction but away from this for now. Maybe when i'm not
diving h...
15 years ago
i'm gonna be putting money in a 401k too! we're grown assmen
ReplyDeleteThe ecenomy is failing guys. My dads 401k is worth today less than what he put into it last year and hes had it for ten years!